Move On! The New Trends in PR Are Here
A lot has changed in the PR world in the last two decades. Gone are the days when PR used to be confined to just image building, media relations, television and radio coverage, press release dissemination, etc. All thanks to the emergence of the Internet, we are all breathing in the Information Age which seems to have opened up quite a lot of windows of opportunities for Public Relations. Now all there is left for the PR professionals is to get a good hold of the slightest of changes in trends and squeeze profit out of them. Like in every other sector, trends change in the PR industry and it’s no news. With the ever evolving PR tools, PR professionals are now more often required to upgrade their knowledge and tactics to fit into the game. But the crucial part is that, one needs to be really keen in observing the changes happening in the PR universe. To keep your public relations strategy running smoothly and limit the chances of any block, it is highly recommended to keep c...