How to pitch your story right to a Journalist?


It is a common complaint among journalists that many communication professionals do not learn enough about a media outlet before they pitch. The fact is, you do not necessarily need to know the journalist well enough for the right pitch. All you need are a few tools in your hands and you are sure to carve out not only a perfect media pitch but also a great media relationship.

These well-thought-out strategies and tools are your best bet to make you a successful PR professional.


The tools we have in mind are:


Have a ready and clear strategy

Work to build the right team

Pay attention to providing compelling content

Know the right people to approach

Have a clear understanding of the editorial concept of the media firm

Keep a tab on your achievements, measure it


How to pitch your story


First and foremost, while pitching your story, always be specific, don’t ever be too vague or wordy.

If you fail to make the journalist see the point of your story quickly and fail to follow up the initial main point with supporting evidence and details you will lose him surely. The journalist knows that if he or she is not getting it, the reader will also surely not get it. A journalist may simply pass on the story instead of wasting time on it chasing clarifications and details.

Instead, like any great storytelling, blend a clear narrative with specific details. Clearly outline the article for the journalist, and offer up all the pieces they’ll need to win over readers. Your narrative needs to be comprehensible, compelling and above all newsworthy. Finally, never underestimate the power of a great subject, proper research, well-prepared materials, and interesting language (both spoken and written).

These are the basic success factors when it comes to better-than-average media relations. Make it a habit to triple-check for any grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. Pass your writing along to your teammates for critical feedback and editing.


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